
Staking Made Smart: Earn, Hedge, Protect

Revolutionizing staking: Earn rewards, keep full asset control, hedge risks, and manage treasury wisely, with bankruptcy protection and zero commissions – all through a single platform.

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Earn yield while managing risk with sFOX staking


sFOX's multi-layered security infrastructure has maintained an impeccable track record since 2014, effectively mitigating various risks

Bankruptcy protected

sFOX SAFE is a regulated Wyoming trust company providing bankruptcy protected custody with $200M insurance


View and download detailed reports from your sFOX account or our API or add your administrator to your account

100% Ownership

With SAFE Trust, staked funds are 100% yours and never used for any purpose other than staking

Seamless experience

sFOX’s interface will guide you through staking and make it easy to see the full picture of your portfolio

Zero Staking Commissions

sFOX offers a full suite of staking services with no fees or commissions at all

Unified portfolio management

sFOX provides simple control of every action in your portfolio from one interface, including active trading, long-term holdings, and staking. Easily utilize staking as another means of leveraging your capital in the global crypto ecosystem.

Unmatched risk management

With sFOX’s Prime Services you can stake and hedge price risk all at once. And our flexible settlement ensures you’ll never miss an opportunity.

Express your views

Take bi-directional positions and manage risk

Market neutral yield

Hedge against negative price movement while actively earning staking rewards

Efficiently scale

Flexible settlement to increase performance without adding complexity

Stake directly from bankruptcy protected crypto custody

Benefit from the uniquely robust sFOX SAFE custody solution – the only crypto custody product backed by a Wyoming Division of Banking-regulated trust company for enhanced security and peace of mind.

Regulated, insured, compliant

SAFE Trust Company is chartered by the state of Wyoming Trust and regulated by the Wyoming Division of Banking.

Multi-layered security

Proprietary infrastructure removes single points of failure with an unimpeachable track record since 2014

Assets available for staking on sFOX

Check here to find the tokens available for staking on sFOX. All staking requirements and parameters on sFOX directly mirror those of the respective network and may undergo modifications.

Slow and steady wins nothing

Accelerate your advantage with access to more opportunities in the digital asset class.